How are ethics in AI and the role of women in tech transforming businesses?
Explore the impact of female talent in Data, and how their career transition can open up opportunities to develop a culture of inclusive innovation. An equitable and innovative digital future starts here.
Dr. Léa El Samarji
Women in AI France leader
How to align innovation and culture while encouraging the adoption of Data?
A panel of CDOs will be sharing their experiences and their keys to successfully making the shift to the Data & AI Driven enterprise. Uses, culture and skills concern all employees. Actors in the transformations underway will detail their roadmap and strategy for involving the whole organisation, women and men, in the future of their business.
Data Culture at the service of a new phase of maturity
Organisations are working hard to fully embrace a new stage of maturity in their use of data and artificial intelligence. Data Culture, inclusive and focused on business value, is integrating new modes of action. Read what Enedis, Suez, La Banque Postale and Decathlon have to say.
👉 Discover their insights, download the summary.
👉 Discover their insights, download the summary.
Download the summary of this roundtable discussion
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Participation in these events is by invitation only for members of the Wagon for Business Le Hub community.
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