Las estrategias de los líderes, analizadas para usted.
Sumérgete en el día a día de los principales referentes en IA, Datos y Tecnología. Descubre las estrategias innovadoras y los métodos que impulsan sus empresas hacia el éxito.

TechExpress: un vistazo al día de los más exitosos de la industria.
Descubre cómo los principales profesionales de la industria en empresas líderes aprovechan los datos y la tecnología para mantenerse a la vanguardia.

Learning & Development
Data Leaders
TechExpress with Hind Muneer
Listen to L’Oréal’s Hind Muneer as she describes her evolving role and the increased impact on projects after taking part in Le Wagon for Business’ Analytics Foundations bootcamp.

Learning & Development
HR Leaders
TechExpress with Gustavo Baptista
Join L’Oréal’s Data Analyst Gustavo Baptista as he explores the impact of L’Oreal’s data trainings and why they have been a fundamental part of building their professional community.

Data Leaders
TechExpress with Alexis Jean-Baptiste
Dive into the dynamics of L’Oréal Middle East’s data transformation with Chief Analytics and Data Officer Alexis Jean-Baptiste.

Data Leaders
TechExpress with Philippe Rambach
In this episode, explore the ways in which Phillip Rambach, Schneider Electric’s Chief AI Officer, is turning data and AI into an integral part of how they do business.
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Nuestros últimos episodios
Descubre los últimos episodios de nuestra serie de entrevistas, que presentan discusiones en profundidad con líderes de la industria e innovadores clave.

Learning & Development
Data Leaders
TechExpress with Hind Muneer
Listen to L’Oréal’s Hind Muneer as she describes her evolving role and the increased impact on projects after taking part in Le Wagon for Business’ Analytics Foundations bootcamp.

Learning & Development
HR Leaders
TechExpress with Gustavo Baptista
Join L’Oréal’s Data Analyst Gustavo Baptista as he explores the impact of L’Oreal’s data trainings and why they have been a fundamental part of building their professional community.

Data Leaders
TechExpress with Alexis Jean-Baptiste
Dive into the dynamics of L’Oréal Middle East’s data transformation with Chief Analytics and Data Officer Alexis Jean-Baptiste.

Data Leaders
TechExpress with Philippe Rambach
In this episode, explore the ways in which Phillip Rambach, Schneider Electric’s Chief AI Officer, is turning data and AI into an integral part of how they do business.

Data Leaders
TechExpress with Agnès Jaboulet
Discover the tools that AI Governance Director Agnès Jaboulet has leveraged at Schneider electric to deliver impact through structured data governance.

Learning & Development
HR Leaders
TechExpress with Jean-Côme Renaudin
Join Jean-Côme Renaudin in this episode to learn how Schneider Electric’s Global Data & AI Academy Director has been using an L&D approach to promote a company wide data transformation.

Data Leaders
TechExpress with Olivier Urcel
Find out more about data’s key role in driving automotive giants Stellantis with the group’s Head of Corporate Data and Analytics, Olivier Urcel.

Learning & Development
HR Leaders
TechExpress with Anne Fenninger
Discover the techniques and programs that Stellantis’ Head of Software and Data Academy Anne Fenninger has leveraged to help her team find the intersection of software, data, and automotive.