Tackle the talent shortage
with our inclusive tech training.
Boost employment in your territory while addressing the tech challenges of organizations.

Promoting access to
inclusive training.
We join forces with Pôle Emploi to offer tech training to people who have been out of work. We adapt the duration of the most intensive modules to optimize learning and maximize the chances of success in finding a job quickly.

Drive inclusion and profitability.
Data is now at the heart of every company's strategy. We enable companies to hire the tech talent they need faster to accelerate growth and develop the agility and innovative mindset they need to compete.
Accompany people to employment.
Improve access to employment for minorities and individuals from vulnerable backgrounds, such as women, the low-skilled, or individuals living in priority neighborhoods. Help them develop the tech skills companies are looking for.

Optimize your public service delivery.
Improve the services of your departments by teaching Tech & Data to your employees and achieve greater satisfaction from all your stakeholders through better performance.
Create more impact by partnering with Le Wagon
Boost employment by training individuals from vulnerable and underrepresented backgrounds in Tech.
Improve your departments' services and make it easier for your citizens.
Promote inclusion and diversity within the organizations in your territory.