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web and data training
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Inclusion and diversity

An integrated career service

Improve your performance: Recruit the best.

Hire qualified and diverse candidates from our 18,500 alumni. Whether you're a Web Developer, Product Manager, Data Scientist or Data Analyst, you'll find the profile you're looking for among our talent.

Hire our alumni before someone else does.

Alan, Spendesk, Skello, Cajoo, Sorare, Alma, and more already trust Le Wagon to find the best profile for their teams. Join over 985 recruiting partners and meet the alumni of the #1 ranked tech bootcamp worldwide.

Logo Skello
Most of our developers and product managers come from Le Wagon! Le Wagon has become a key strategic partner helping Skello to hire great tech talent.
Quitterie Mathelin-Moreaux
PDG - Skello
Logo Getaround
We've hired more than 20 Le Wagon graduates in various engineering, product and data roles. We really value their strong tech foundations and ability to learn fast.
Simon Baldeyrou
PDG - Getaround Europe
Logo Alan
We have recruited some amazing Le Wagon alumni in various tech roles: data, product, ops and engineering. It's a great bootcamp for preparing well-rounded top tech talent.
Jean-Charles Samuelian-Werve
PDG - Co-founder - Alan
Logo Tayo
Since we are a fast paced Scale-up, we often look for new talents and love hiring Alumni from Le Wagon. We like their mindset and adaptability. They also blend very well with our corporate culture.
Nathan Tempels
Scrum Master - Tayo
Logo Getaround
What I particularly appreciate with Le Wagon's data profiles is their full-stack technical base allowing them to learn very quickly. They are also often in retraining and they come with previous experience which allows them to Collaborate with all areas of the company, including non-technical areas such as marketing and finance.
Guillemette Maillère
Head of Data - Getaround
Logo Doctolib
At Doctolib we always strive for the best talents to make access to healthcare fast and equal for everyone. Through Le Wagon, we've found these great talents as they learn exactly the tech skills that help us in our mission.
Angela Diapari
Lead Product Recruiter - Doctolib
Logo Malt
Le Wagon’s training allows to bring the tech and the business part together, people from Le Wagon are open-minded and flexible, it is precisely what we need in a hyper-growing environment as a scale-up company!
Elisa Lorenter
Head of Talent Acquisition - Malt
Logo PWC
Le Wagon Alumni bring experience in other areas that, together with their new learnings from the bootcamp and motivation, turn them into fundamental pieces of solid and diversified tech teams.
Ricardo Gaspar
Senior Manager - PwC
Logo Fox Inteligence
We have recruited 4 Le Wagon Alumni this year in our team, who have fitted very quickly into Foxintelligence culture. They have proved to be adaptable, quick learners, and great team collaborators.
Lucile Ritchie
Strategy & Operations Manager - Foxintelligence
Logo Landing Jobs
Both Miguel and Manuel have been great with the challenge of building Landing.Jobs’ platform. We really enjoy both their motivation for constant improvement and their openness to work with our Experience Team.
Pedro Oliveira
COO - Landing.Jobs

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meet your needs.

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