Python Fundamentals
At the end of this training course, participants will have a fundamental understanding of Python programming and will be able to write programs, interact with modules, files, and different types of data structures. They will have also a first grasp of more advanced concepts like object oriented programming.

They are already training their teams with Le Wagon.
Learn more about how we can train your teams to Python
Demystify the mindset and methods used in programming: pseudo coding, unit testing, reading errors, looking up etc.
Learn Python basics, including variables, conditionals, functions, loops, advanced data structures, and an introduction to object-oriented programming.
Overall, upskill employees to prepare for future courses & have general awareness of some of the daily tasks done by programmers (use cases: web development, data analytics/science, autonomous driving...).
Immediate results thanks to a practice-oriented pedagogy.
Experience rapid skill development with hands-on training from industry experts and see immediate results as your team applies new skills directly to your projects.
Benefit from the experience of bootcamp n°1.
Get immediately usable skills thanks to 100% live learning in cohorts. Above all, it's practical: 80% of the bootcamp consists of hands-on application.
Learn from the best experts in Tech.
Choose the best teachers for your teams. They provide individual, personalised support and the progress of each employee is monitored in real time.
Aim for excellence in just a few days.
Aim for excellence by learning from your own data and from content that is contextualised to your company's challenges, whatever the subject.
Deploy at scale and with complete flexibility.
Train your employees anywhere in the world and at your own pace, online, on your premises or on one of our campuses.

"The Wagon has been an incredible adventure. Through this experience, I have learned so much about the Tech industry with the most qualified faculty and staff, a very large alumni network and resources that are extremely helpful when you are starting out in Tech.”

consulting, Software specialist.
Renault Group
A course designed by Data experts.
Learn more about how we can train your teams to Python
Demystify the mindset and methods used in programming: pseudo coding, unit testing, reading errors, looking up etc.
Learn Python basics, including variables, conditionals, functions, loops, advanced data structures, and an introduction to object-oriented programming.
Overall, upskill employees to prepare for future courses & have general awareness of some of the daily tasks done by programmers (use cases: web development, data analytics/science, autonomous driving...).